Floyd-Warshall Algorithem in Python

Magnus Lie Hetland mlh at furu.idi.ntnu.no
Mon Jul 28 20:24:20 EDT 2003

In article <c0b257f5.0307262000.11178c98 at posting.google.com>, Dave wrote:
>I'm looking for a Floyd-Warshall Python implementation. The only
>implementation I  have seen (searching this newsgroup) used a Python
>library called "Numeric". This   implementation doesn't work anymore.
>I was wondering whether anyone knew of any FW implementations
>elsewhere, or knew how I could convert the old example to Python code
>that would run on Python 2.2?

This is really so simple that it's almost a bit redundant to have a
separate library for it... Here is a sample implementation:

def floyd_warshall(w, n):
    d = {0: w}
    for k in range(1,n+1):
        d[k] = {}
        for i in range(1,n+1):
            for j in range(1,n+1):
                d[k][i,j] = min(d[k-1][i,j],
                                d[k-1][i,k] + d[k-1][k,j])
    return d[n]

This is basically directly translated from the standard pseudocode. A
graph is represented by its weight matrix, in the form of a dictionary
with tuple keys. For example:

w = {}
w[1,2] = 3
w[1,3] = 8
w[1,5] = -4
w[2,4] = 1

and so forth. You could add a loop like this to fill out the edges
that aren't specified explicitly:

for i in range(1,n+1):
    w[i,i] = 0
    for j in range(1,n+1):
        w.setdefault((i,j), INF)

Here, n is the number of nodes in the graph and INF may be set to
something like sys.maxint.

The algorithm above stores all steps of the algorithm, with d[k] being
the distance matrix after step k -- a bit redundant, but useful if you
want to display the steps.

You might also want to keep a parent matrix (or, rather, a dictionary)
where pi[k][i,j] is the parent to node j in the shortest path from i
to j after step k (set this when selecting the minimum; you'd have to
replace the call to min() with an if statement). Again, keeping the
results from all steps is highly redundant, but easily simplified; you
only need the previous and the current.


Magnus Lie Hetland                "In this house we obey the laws of
http://hetland.org                 thermodynamics!"    Homer Simpson

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