Casting stones (was Re: Debugging Python ?)

Alan Kennedy alanmk at
Tue Jul 29 12:29:57 EDT 2003

>>> Top-posting is more annoying IMO.

[Alan Kennedy]
>>However, there is a down side: it makes it impossible to get
>>meaningful summaries of a posters posting history on Google Groups.

> To the extent that's an issue (and I don't necessarily agree that it is
> an issue), I consider that Google's fault for not writing software that
> accounts for quoting.  If/when they fix their software, that solves the
> issue from your perspective; in the meantime, we get easier-to-read
> threads in realtime.

I agree that Google could try harder, and also agree that we should
not start top-posting, just to hack around Google.

It is interesting to note that the Timbot's style of posting seems to
address this problem, if not solve it.

It uses a style I have copied in this message, which is

[Original poster]
> What the original poster said

With only a single line break between the two lines. The Timbots
"summary view" at least shows that the text one one is seeing in the
summary are the words of someone else.

My own posting style, which is

Original Poster:

> What the original poster said

fails to achieve that.

Let's see how this message turns up on Google Groups.


alan kennedy
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