python scripting game The Temple Of Elemental Evil update

Steve Moret smoret-google at
Sat Jul 12 20:46:26 EDT 2003

"Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)" <tdelaney at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1057545910.15473.python-list at>...
> Actually, you don't have to pay to use the RPG Vault boards (vnboard), 
> though you do if you want extra features.
> I've talked to Guido privately about this, and intend to ask Tim Cain 
> (Project Lead) or Steve Moret (Lead Programmer) if they would be willing 
> to write a piece about the use of Python in ToEE.

I'd be overjoyed to write up a little article on our use of Python in
ToEE. I believe Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines is also using
Python for scripting. We both are taking slightly different approaches
to its use, and in retrospect I'd love to rip out our current
implementation and redo it a little better.

I'll try and remember to send you or Guido an e-mail when we finish
the project to get the ball rolling on this. Right now we're deep into
crunch mode and if thats not bad enough, have people pulled away
frequently for PR related issues. I'm thinking (more hoping really) we
should be done and relaxed around September 1st.

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