does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?

David Abrahams david.abrahams at
Fri Jul 4 02:07:05 EDT 2003

anton at (Anton Vredegoor) wrote in message news:<bdnite$lsg$1 at>...
> david.abrahams at (David Abrahams) wrote:
>  <700+ LOP>
> >I love a nice jestful debate.  Maybe your whole post is jestful and I
> >failed to recognize it.  It certainly seems to have a derisive tone
> >which makes it hard to see the love.  Where's the love, people?
> >Anyway, if you tell me you didn't mean it that way I'll take your word
> >for it.
> Perhaps not love, to me both you guys are discussing trifles. TDD and
> the source of it, static typing, are both about being satisfied with
> just passing tests, while the really important discussion -for me at
> least- is about aligning the code with ones thoughts, and how to
> accomplish that. 

I think that's *exactly* what I was talking about.  Type declarations
on function parameters help me to align the code with the thoughts I
have about the implicit contract with the function's callers.  In the
process, it makes that contract more explicit.


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