Misuse of <tab>

Asun Friere afriere at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jul 30 22:41:24 EDT 2003

"Keith Jones" <kmj9907 at cs.rit.edu> wrote in message news:<pan.2003. at cs.rit.edu>...
> On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 17:25:05 +0000, max wrote:
> > The problem with spaces is that you need to do 5 times the work of a tab
> > to get decent-looking indentation :).
> Not if you have a good editor.. Use vim or emacs. In vim, try :h sts (I
> think, or :h softtabstop) ...it would suck to have to type
> <space><space><space><space> all the time, but you don't. :)

If you use vim remember to put 'set expandtab' (or if you wanna be
fancy 'au BufRead,BufNewFile *.py set expandtab' ) into your .vimrc
(or .exrc) file.  This way you can use '[Ctrl]-[T]' and '[Ctrl]-[D]'
to in- and un-dent in insert mode, as well as '>>' and '<<' in command
mode, without fear of hard tabs being inserted.  (Though the way vi(m)
mixes tabs and spaces is consistent enough that you wouldn't usually
get into any trouble with it.)

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