Help with Boa on Win98 with unicode installed

Raymond Arthur St. Marie II of III rastm2 at aol.commorespam
Mon Jul 28 03:17:20 EDT 2003

>rastm2 at aol.commorespam (Raymond Arthur St. Marie II of III ) schreef:
>> Has anyone ever struggeled with that install of Boa in Win98.
>> I've followed the Docs. Tryed the "-E" switch while in DosPrompt. Made
>> sure the wxPython version matched Python version...
>> What am I missing folks?
>Don't use the unicode version of wxPython on Win9x, if that's possible?
>Unicode wxPython gives problems on my Win98SE system too, but Boa starts up 
>fine when I run it with ANSI wxPython (didn't try to actually use it yet).

And it's JanC to the rescue.
It's just like you said it would be! Boa nirvana.


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