Problems with py2exe for python 2.3 beta

Jamie jamie at
Mon Jul 7 00:03:29 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I have a wxPython application that I'm packaging with py2exe. I've
encountered a couple of problems with the latest py2exe with the latest
python and wxPython releases, and was wondering if any of you have had a
similar experience. The version for python 2.2 works like a charm.

- I've included "-p encodings" in the command line flags, but still get the
"no codec search functions registered" error at runtime.
- py2exe is now including tcl files as dependencies, whereas these weren't
required in the python 2.2 version.

Also, I was hoping to use the archived executable to do imports with the new
zip import feature - is there any reason why this wouldn't work as opposed
to importing it from a regular zip file?

Many thanks,


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