Zope problem: objectValues('Folder')

Jens Riedel JensRie at gmx.de
Thu Jul 10 07:22:28 EDT 2003

The problem seems to be somewhere else:

I used the objectValues('Folder')-method in a DTML-method named 
'navigation'. I include <dtml-var navigation> in a 
'standard_html_header' DTML method, and this standard_html_header is 
used in the index_html document.
All three are in the same folder which contains 3 Subfolders. If I view 
'navigation' or 'standard_html_header' in the management area, I see the 
3 folders, but in the index_html they don't appear. Everything else in 
the standard_html_header, like stylesheets etc. are correctly shown so 
I'm sure that the correct standard_html_header is included.


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