On PEP 312: simple implicit lambda

Andrew Bennetts andrew-pythonlist at puzzling.org
Sun Feb 16 10:32:04 EST 2003

On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 04:47:11PM +0200, Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou wrote:
> Take for example:
> data = file_object.read(4096)
> while data:
>     # process here
>      data = file_object.read(4096)
> (In this simple case, the need to avoid duplication is not that strong,
> so it is a bad example, but it's just an idea that popped up in my mind
> a few minutes ago;  I won't stand up to it if proven to be stupid :)
> There are cases with if...elif...else constructs where duplicate code is
> used too, so if needed, I will find more examples.)

Why not simply:

    data = 'dummy'
    while data:
        data = file_object.read(4096)
        # process here

This avoids the duplication quite neatly.

> What I would do in such a case, would be the following:
> <read_more_data>:
>     data = file_object.read(4096)
> while data:
> 	# process here
>     <read_more_data>

You can do this already:

    def read_more_data(): 
        return file_object.read(4096)
    data = read_more_data()
    while data:
        # process here
        data = read_more_data()

Slightly different, but doesn't require any new features with gratuitous
punctuation.  I still prefer my earlier alternative.  

A much less radical solution than yours would be if Python supported full
closures, i.e. being able to bind variables in outer scopes from a nested
function, then you could do:

    def read_more_data(): 
        outer data  # By analogy with the global statement
        data = file_object.read(4096)
    while data:
        # process here

Of course, my fictitious "outer" statement would be problematic with
multiple levels of function nesting... I'm not sure that "outer outer outer foo"
is a construct people want to see, although I suspect it'd be more popular
than your proposal.

Do you have any other examples where you think this feature would be useful?


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