float / double support in Python?

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at vet.uu.nl
Thu Feb 13 17:44:58 EST 2003

Erik Max Francis <max at alcyone.com> wrote:
> jsaul wrote:
>> English has become the common denominator
>> because of its extremely simple structure and grammatics, which
>> makes it rather easy to learn; apart from some historical reasons.
> Wow, that's the first time I've heard English characterized simple and
> easy to learn!

It was easier for me to learn than German, while German and
Dutch are at least as closely related as English and Dutch. While I 
understand German pretty well, I cannot write or speak it with any amount
of fluency.

English grammar is fairly simple and regular. You don't have to memorize
lists of noun genders like in most Indo-European languages, for instance,
you can just use 'the'. Verb conjugation is pretty simple.

English vocabulary and spelling are a different story. The vocabulary of
the English language is huge. That can help and hurt; it makes it easier
to run into unfamiliar words, but it's also easier to think of some word 
that works as there's so much to choose from. :) English spelling is
inconsistent, but seems harder for native speakers to do right
than it is for non-native speakers, weirdly enough. But that may be
because this is likely non-native speakers are more of a self-selecting

Anyway, I'm biased as Dutch is close to English, but English grammar is
pretty easy. Certainly easier than most European languages (and probably
Indo-European languages).


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