portable development -- python for the pda?

Anton Vredegoor anton at vredegoor.doge.nl
Wed Dec 3 14:31:18 EST 2003

On 3 Dec 2003 09:07:04 -0800, lutz at rmi.net (Mark Lutz) wrote:

>anton at vredegoor.doge.nl (Anton Vredegoor) wrote in message news:<3fcc9577$0$7676$3a628fcd at reader1.nntp.hccnet.nl>...

>> there seems to be no such thing as Tkinter on any pda.
>Actually, I should have done a bit of googling on 
>this myself, before responding on the Tkinter issue
>yesterday.  You can find information about running 
>Tk on the Zaurus here:
>Still not a simple task, but it looks possible.  It looks
>like you'll need to get X and Tk running in one of a variety
>of ways, and will probably also need to compile Python's Tk 
>interface module to get Tkinter to work.  Again, if I had an
>infinite amount of time...

Yes sorry, my statement was too strong. On Windows CE machines Tkinter
seems to be even more common. Thanks to you and Rob for correcting me.
Hmm, I seem to have a lot of time and very little money, maybe we can
work something out? Just kidding :-)


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