extended list comprehensions

Kragen Sitaker kragen at pobox.com
Tue May 28 18:19:24 EDT 2002

"Andrew Dalke" <dalke at dalkescientific.com> writes:
> F. Jamitzky:
> >It would be great to have something like a list comprehension for the
> >reduce function.
>  ...
> >and maybe it could be written as:
> >
> >{y=y+x for x in xs}      <-would be->         reduce(operator.add,xs)
> I use reduce so infrequently that I wouldn't think this is useful.
> How often do you use it?

Not as often as I could.  It's general enough that just about any
aggregate operation can be expressed in terms of it, usually as simply
as it could be in a loop, and often more simply.

As a simple example, see
for 'map' and 'filter' are expressed in terms of 'reduce', in Python
and Common Lisp.

> That's enough to make me believe your syntax would be confusing.
> (As it is, 'reduce' is confusing.)

Which is probably why it's not used as much as it could be...

> But given that, if y doesn't exist before the {} is called, your
> argument is that it should implicitly be set to 0.  This then would
> be one of the few places in Python with a default value, outside of
> a function parameter definitions.

If reduce doesn't get a 'start' argument, it starts with y set to the
first item in the list; you could do the same for "reduce

That said, I think "reduce comprehensions" as presented are a terrible
idea; unlike list comprehensions, they are not an improvement in
readability over the corresponding explicit loop, and they are not an
improvement in readability over the corresponding call to 'reduce'.

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