high volume/speed gethostbyaddr how?

brueckd at tbye.com brueckd at tbye.com
Fri May 3 13:48:18 EDT 2002

On Fri, 3 May 2002 brueckd at tbye.com wrote:

> import threading, socket
> ipList = [... create a list of IP addresses ...]
> ipAndHostList = []
> def LookupThread():
>   while 1:
>     try:
>       ip = ipList.pop()
>       ipAndHostList.append((ip, socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0]))
>     except IndexError:
>       break
> for i in range(3):
>   threading.Thread(target=LookupThread).start()

Oops, also add:

import time
while ipList:


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