Question about scientific calculations in Python

Jason Orendorff jason at
Wed Mar 13 00:04:19 EST 2002

Martin Kaufmann wrote:
> This is the first raw version without histograms. s_vector is an array
> with all the scattering parameters, f_s_vector the respective
> scattering factors, and r_vector an array with all the distances
> between the atoms. The equation is the Debye equation, so no fancy
> integrals...
>     for s in s_vector[1:]:
>         sum = 0
>         for r in r_vector[1:]:
>             x = 2 * pi * r * s
>             sum = sum + (2 * (sin(x))/x)
>         intensity = atoms * pow(f_s_vector[n], 2) * (1 + sum / atoms)
>         i_vector.append(intensity)
>         n = n + 1

I'm going to attempt to explain how you can do this with Numeric
Python, but you'll have to understand I have no clue what I'm
doing scientifically.

So in particular I'm assuming that "atoms" is a scalar, say atoms=1000.
I also don't really know why you're using s_vector[1:] ... intentionally
omitting the zeroth data point for some reason...?

Anyway, here's an interactive session that implements the above
algorithm using Numeric, with *no loops*.  Or rather, the loops are all
hidden away where you don't have to worry about them.  (They should
run faster, too.)

First, I'll import all the nice Numeric functions.

  C:\dev> python
  Python 2.2 (#28, Dec 21 2001, 12:21:22) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>> from Numeric import *

Next, I'll create a few arrays of random data to work with.  Perhaps all
these numbers are completely unrealistic, but that's your field... :)

  >>> from random import random

  >>> s_vector = array([random()-.5 for i in range(5)])
  >>> s_vector
  array([-0.27223098,  0.24265847,  0.27374879,  0.17003544,  0.44799364])
  >>> r_vector = array([random()-.5 for i in range(5)])
  >>> r_vector
  array([-0.25522363,  0.09085211,  0.32083166,  0.48250771, -0.26395574])
  >>> f_s_vector = arange(0.1, 0.6, 0.1)
  >>> f_s_vector
  array([ 0.1,  0.2,  0.3,  0.4,  0.5])
  >>> atoms = 1000

Now, I need to make a copy of r_vector, because I want it to be
a 2-D matrix -- a column, not a row.  Because r_vector is currently
a 1-D matrix, I'll need to add a new axis to it.  This is done
by using a special slice syntax:

  >>> r_column = r_vector[:, NewAxis]
  >>> r_column
         [ 0.09085211],
         [ 0.32083166],
         [ 0.48250771],

Now.  Multiplying r_column and s_vector creates a full 2-D array,
a sort of multiplication table (if that makes sense).

  >>> x = 2 * pi * r_column * s_vector
  >>> x
  array([[ 0.436554, -0.389131, -0.438988, -0.272671, -0.718410],
         [-0.155400,  0.138519,  0.156266,  0.097063,  0.255732],
         [-0.548775,  0.489161,  0.551835,  0.342765,  0.903085],
         [-0.825318,  0.735664,  0.829920,  0.515493,  1.358175],
         [ 0.451490, -0.402444, -0.454007, -0.282000, -0.742989]])

I deleted some extra spaces and decimal places to try and make that
fit nicely into this message.  When you do it at home you'll get more

Next, I'll calculate the 2 * sin(x) / x part ...

  >>> y = 2 * sin(x) / x
  >>> y
  array([[ 1.937076, 1.949906, 1.936379, 1.975308, 1.832347],
         [ 1.991959, 1.993610, 1.991870, 1.996861, 1.978271],
         [ 1.901115, 1.921189, 1.900027, 1.961066, 1.739018],
         [ 1.780558, 1.824418, 1.778189, 1.912591, 1.439403],
         [ 1.932741, 1.946448, 1.931996, 1.973597, 1.821001]])

Now I want the sum of each column.  There's a special method
that does this...

  >>> sums = add.reduce(y)
  >>> sums
  array([ 9.543451, 9.635572, 9.538462, 9.819425, 8.810042])

Now calculate the intensities from that.

  >>> i_vector = atoms * f_s_vector**2 * (1 + sums/atoms)
  >>> i_vector
  array([ 10.095434, 40.385422, 90.858461, 161.571108, 252.202510])

Let's demonstrate that this is the same result as you'd get with
your algorithm, mostly as written:

  >>> def f(s_vector, f_s_vector, r_vector):
  ...     n = 0
  ...     i_vector = []
  ...     for s in s_vector:
  ...         sum = 0
  ...         for r in r_vector:
  ...             x = 2 * pi * r * s
  ...             sum = sum + (2 * (sin(x))/x)
  ...         intensity = atoms * pow(f_s_vector[n], 2) * (1 + sum/atoms)
  ...         i_vector.append(intensity)
  ...         n = n + 1
  ...     return i_vector
  >>> f(s_vector, f_s_vector, r_vector)
  [10.095434515144179, 40.38542290296536, 90.858461626142727,
   161.57110800726178, 252.20251050463611]

Here's how that function would look using Numeric:

  >>> def f(S, FS, R, atoms):
  ...     Rcol = R[:, NewAxis]
  ...     x = 2 * pi * Rcol * S
  ...     y = 2 * sin(x) / x
  ...     sums = add.reduce(y)
  ...     I = atoms * FS**2 * (1 + sums/atoms)
  ...     return I
  >>> f(s_vector, f_s_vector, r_vector, atoms)
  array([  10.09543452,   40.3854229 ,   90.85846163,  161.57110801,
           252.2025105  ])
  >>> list(_)
  [10.095434515144179, 40.38542290296536, 90.858461626142727,
   161.57110800726178, 252.20251050463611]

Note that when Python displays an array, it only shows a few decimal
places; but full precision is stored (and you can see it if you
convert the result back to a Python list).

The histogram version is up to you.  :)

Numeric lets you mix arrays and scalars randomly and it happily
distributes multiplication and so forth.  So the resulting code
looks a bit more like the original formulas.  Some folks like that.
But if you don't, you can always code this in C and it'll be faster
still.  It won't take very long to learn C.  The real problem is
that C programs can be very difficult and time-consuming to debug.

## Jason Orendorff

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