location of gmpy, google

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Mar 27 10:43:34 EST 2002

    FREDRIK> Where can I get gmpy?

Try searching for "gmpy" on google.

Google should be the first place people look for just about anything on the
net my opinion.  Pardon the digression non-Pythonic discussion, but let me
tell you a story...

A guy the incubator where I have an office had a blown output channel in his
stereo.  An *old* stereo.  He tried swapping speaker wires.  The quiet
speaker changed.  Popped open the case and pulled the suspect amplifier
doodad.  He went to Google, entered the long part number from the doodad
(just the part number, one of those long alphanumeric things), and was led
to some place in Georgia that had some of these in stock.  Finding that
doodad through the usual means would probably not have been anywhere as easy
as that.

Google is your friend...

Skip Montanaro (skip at pobox.com - http://www.mojam.com/)

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