Using the locale module on Windows under hte IIS

Max M maxm at
Fri Jun 14 06:48:57 EDT 2002

I have an app that I am putting the final touches on. Including 
localisation, so that the users can use danish nummeric formats etc.

But I am very much in doubt as to how I should use the locale module. I 
have found out easy enough that I need to set::

     from locale import setlocale

     setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'danish')

It kind of puzzles me as it seems that it is a global switch that is set 
for the entire programme.

But I wonder exactly where to do this. It's a web app running under the 
IIS, and so there is no natural starting point for the programme. Should 
I encapsulate the functionality an a few wrapper functions?

Is there some kind of global variable that I can set?

Perhaps I should set it in the gloabl.asa ?

Anybody's got a clue?

regards Max M

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