Hooks (Re: What does Python fix?)

Hung Jung Lu hungjunglu at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 22 11:26:24 EST 2002

Pedro Rodriguez <pedro_rodriguez at club-internet.fr> wrote in message news:<pan.2002. at club-internet.fr>...
> Unfortunately I don't think that C extensions will support such a 
> mechanism.

Yeah, that's a big nuisance. Quite annoying in my experience with
wxPython, to tell you the truth. If a language is going to be dynamic,
why not make it dynamic all the way to C extensions? OK, I know, it's
probably not easy, but whining is cheap. :)

I'll look more into Aspect Oriented Programming. However, I often can
tell the quality of an idea just from the vocabulary chosen in its
presentation. Many researchers nowadays are more like marketeers. I
often wish they themselves could spend a little bit more time
straighten out their own thoughts, instead of making a big fussy mess
out there.


Hung Jung

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