threading.start(): does it fork??

Theodore D. Sternberg strnbrg at
Fri Jan 11 16:47:32 EST 2002

When Python starts a second thread, ps shows not one, not two but
three (!) python processes.  When the thread exits, there are still
two python processes.  This can't be normal.

Here's a simple example.

---------------- cut here --------------
import threading
import time

def threadFunc():
    while not done:

done = 0
my_thread = threading.Thread( group=None, target=threadFunc, args=() )

done = 1
-------------------- cut here ---------------

I'm running Linux 2.2.16, and Python 2.1 built with gcc 2.95.3.
It makes no difference if I join the thread, or call exit() inside it.

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