How to "ping" a host ? (hackers solution

Gillou nospam at
Wed Jan 9 14:16:33 EST 2002


I've done it by myself.
Quick and dirty but works for any user and Linux (and perhaps for other
unices including cygwin).

import popen2, string

def ping(host):
    '''Simple ping to host or IP
    returns 1 if succeeded otherwise 0
    outs, ins, errs = popen2.popen3('ping -n -c 1 -q %s' % host)
    o = outs.readlines()
    e = errs.readlines()
    if len(e):
        return 0
    # Gets the count of received packets
    if int(string.split(o[3])[3]) == 0:
        return 0
    return 1

"Gillou" <nospam at> a écrit dans le message news:
a1c44a$31an$1 at
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a pythonic "ping" like module. Did not find (or search
> correctly ?) in the doc.
> I mean something (non blocking) that replies to "is there a live host
> connected at this IP address ?"
> Thanks in advance !
> --Gillou

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