OT again... is there an IMAP expert in the house?

Cameron Laird claird at starbase.neosoft.com
Mon Jan 28 13:01:49 EST 2002

In article <mailman.1012224450.11377.python-list at python.org>,
Chris Gonnerman <chris.gonnerman at newcenturycomputers.net> wrote:
>Urrr... it doesn't solve my problem.  Maybe IMAP isn't the solution either.
>The customer(s) I am trying valiantly to support want to be able to share
>a mailbox *concurrently*.  The Mercury and UW servers don't seem to work
>that way.  I haven't studied the protocol so I don't know if it is even 
Nope.  Both POP3 and IMAP4 specifically disallow concurrent access,
I believe.  My belief is sufficiently certain, in this case, that
I'll not invest the time to verify it in the standards.

I *really* like the idea of using TR or something comparable as an
"issue tracker".  I think you're going to be far happier with that.

Cameron Laird <Cameron at Lairds.com>
Business:  http://www.Phaseit.net
Personal:  http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html

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