OS X import bug?

Martin von Loewis loewis at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 24 15:35:07 EST 2002

Manoj Plakal <terabaap at yumpee.org> writes:

>        Python distutils does use "-flat_namespace"
>        in addition to other options. Here's a complete log
>        of a build and import of the code I sent earlier.
> ImportError: Failure linking new module

I see. That appears to originate from dynload_next.c, without any
further analysis of the error. It would be valuable to let the OS
explain what it thinks went wrong. It appears that Apple found that,
as well, and introduced NSLinkEditError in OS X DR2, see


So I'd suggest that you add appropriate calls to that function, to get
a more informative message than "failure linking new module". Once you
are done, please post your code to SF (and perhaps follow-up here to
tell us what you found).

Good luck,

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