printing from Word using win32com

Frederick H. Bartlett fbartlet at
Thu Jan 3 11:29:43 EST 2002

Thanks, all, for your help and hints. This function works:

def simpleSample():
    myWord = Dispatch('Word.Application')
    myWord.Visible = 0

    myDoc = myWord.Documents.Add(MYDIR + '\\sampFile.doc')
    something = myWord.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
    numParas = something.Count
    i = 1
    while i < numParas:
      i = i + 1
        print something.Item(i).Range().encode('utf-8')
      except UnicodeError:
        print "XXX There was a Unicode Error."

I think I understand Python objects; I'm sure I don't understand
Microsoft objects. *sigh* Why should utf-8 work where latin-1 doesn't?
I thought M$ used (sort of) latin 1? (But I guess that's OT for a
Python ng.)


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