
Brian Quinlan brian at
Mon Jan 7 12:22:41 EST 2002

Lewis Bergman wrote:
> After much headbanging (and some heIp from the list) I came up with
> method to register functions from multiple classes. As per the docs
> server can only natively instantiate one class at a time and that was
> than I needed. I don't know if anyone else would ever need it but here
> is anyway. This is my first program in python so it probably isn't
> looking at.

Why can't you simply write something like:

class MyMethods:
	def __init__(self, nixUser, icradiusUser):
		self.NixUser = nixUser
		self.icradiusUser = icradiusUser

NixUser = NixUser.NixUser()
icradiusUser = icradiusUser.icradiusUser()

server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
server.register_instance(MyMethods(NixUser, icradiusUser))

I haven't tested this so don't be shocked if there you need to fiddle
with it to make it work. Let me know if it doesn't do what you want it
to do.

Also, masking module names with variable names is probably a bad idea.


> Here is the whole thing so you can get an idea.
> #!/usr/local/bin/python2.2
> from SimpleXMLRPCServer import *
> import re
> import NixUser, icradiusUser
> NixUser = NixUser.NixUser()
> icradiusUser = icradiusUser.icradiusUser()
> server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
> importedClass = [NixUser, icradiusUser]
> for name in importedClass:
> 	for method in dir(name):
> 		if re.match("^[_]", method) is None:
> 			funcName = name.__module__ + '.' + method
> 			server.register_function(getattr(name, method),
> funcName)
> server.serve_forever()

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