source code size metric: Python and modern C++

David Abrahams dave at
Tue Dec 3 10:58:18 EST 2002

pavel_vozenilek at (Pavel Vozenilek) writes:

> Neal Norwitz <neal at> wrote in message news:<pan.2002. at>...
>> On Sun, 01 Dec 2002 21:09:28 -0500, Pavel Vozenilek wrote:
> [snip] 
>> This is a real world example of an open source project.
>> Short answer for the lazy:
>>                Main Code  Support Code   Example's Code
>> C++               4988         3105          2573
>> Python and IDL    1858            0           659
>> In sum (2517 for Python vs. 10666 for C++), that's a factor of over 4.
> Thanks for the link - it contains the information I was interested.
> Looking over the code example, I think the C++ version is
> unnecessarily verbose (but didn't try with real compiler though):
> 1) Boost contains lambda-like library that could replace whole struct
> Compare with 'inline function', like in Python. (The library is quite
> new - available for some 1/2 year on Boost.)

Actually that library has a fairly long history, but was only recently
"boost-ified", submitted for review, and accepted there.

                       David Abrahams
   dave at *
Boost support, enhancements, training, and commercial distribution

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