[Q] pindent improvement

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Mon Dec 16 11:55:32 EST 2002

>>>>> "Andrei" == Andrei Smirnov <asmirnov at asmirnov.com> writes:

    Andrei> P.S: i am not big fan of inserting of 1000 lines in one
    Andrei> block. but i know people who would do that and i don't
    Andrei> have any chance to explain to them what's wrong with that.

The #{ trick has been discussed on c.l.p before, but I haven't been
able to find the reference for you.

As for the 1000 line block trick, I suggest you explain to those
people what's wrong with that <wink>

John Hunter

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