Python as an Object Oriented Programming Language

Laura Creighton lac at
Sat Dec 21 23:52:17 EST 2002

> Its a real hostile place, and it utterly turned me off to Lisp culture in
> general.

And that is a shame, because actually programming in LISP is a joy.

> I gain satisfaction in knowing that Python is enjoying real-world success and
> usage while their pet language dies a slow pathetic death. And I have nothing
> against Lisp (ok a couple of things) as a language. Just many of the people
> using it, or at least those in C.L.L., appear to be such losers!
> -Aaron.

It is probably not a good idea to judge real programming communities
by usenet newsgroups that refer to the same language.  This is because
when the places become hostile and nasty, the really decent people
leave, saying 'this is a waste of my valuable time, and besides it
hurts too much'.  Then new people do not join, because they have better
things to do as well, even if it is taking them a heck of a lot longer
to do them because they don't have anybody to answer their questions.

Absolutely everybody I have talked to about this has said that this is
inevitable and it will happen to comp.lang.python as well.  That is why
so many of us make such a huge effort to prove these people wrong.  We
know we have something special here.


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