Python exceptions: is there a way to find the exceptionattributes?

Pierre Rouleau pieroul at
Sun Dec 1 15:43:40 EST 2002

> It sounds to me like you're doing this the hard way -- if you want an 
> exception object, you should be able to simply construct it, e.g.:
> dir(TypeError())

You are right! So simple!

 >>> dir(IOError())
['__doc__', '__getitem__', '__init__', '__module__', '__str__', 'args', 'errno', 'filename', 'strerror']

> This will give me a dir on an *instance* of TypeError, as opposed to:
> dir(TypeError)
> which will just give me the class info.
> Of course, I might want to read:
> TypeError().__doc__
> (which I find more useful than just knowing the attributes, which are pretty 
> much the same for all built-in exceptions).

It really does not tell you much if you want to know what attributes to use.

 >>> IOError().__doc__
'I/O operation failed.'

> Hope this helps,

It did!  Thanks!


         Pierre Rouleau, ing.

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