Win2000 service and pywintypes.api_error

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Sun Dec 15 18:28:22 EST 2002

Cesare Zamatti wrote:
> Hey all,
> I 've written an  NTservice for a Win2000 Server using
> win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework
> with  python 2.2.2 (from  and win32all-148 (from
> I 've written it with some samples found on the net.
> The service starts and stops without problems, but if I look at the
> eventViewer, when I stop the service, it reports this error (in the
> application log):
> PythonService:
> The instance's SvcRun() method failed File "E:\Python22\lib\site-
> packages\win32\lib\",
>  line 639, in SvcRun
> self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
> File "E:\Python22\lib\site-packages\win32\lib\",
> line 610, in ReportServiceStatus win32service.SetServiceStatus( self.ssh,
> status)
> pywintypes.api_error: (6, 'SetServiceStatus', 'The handle is invalid.')

I am afraid I have no idea.  I assume that the sample service does not 
do this for you - so you probably are left with continuing to cull your 
service down to almost nothing to see when the error goes away - or 
building the other sample up until it starts.  I know lots of people are 
using very complicated services with this framework, so I believe it is 
nothing fundamental to the framework.


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