Python vs. VB Was: Python and gaming

David Mitchell djmitchell at
Tue Dec 10 08:30:53 EST 2002

On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 14:07:49 +0100, Gumuz wrote:

> and _that's_ why i love using a combination of them!
> Delphi/Kylix & Python!

VB+Python is great on Windows.  VB's GUI generation tools are top notch,
although I don't think much of the rest of the language.  Linking the VB
and Python parts of an application via COM is pretty trivial.  I've just
started fooling around with Delphi as a few people have told me it'd be a
good replacement for VB in this role, but I haven't yet done enough with
it to comment.

Is anyone aware of a similar "GUI-builder language/mechanism" that I could
use on Linux in conjunction with Python?  I've got the free version of
Kylix; anyone tried it in this role?  Other suggestions welcome


Dave M.

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