Design questions (cgi programming with python)

Will Stuyvesant hwlgw at
Thu Dec 26 06:44:00 EST 2002

> how can I get the program to
> not re-display the initial page, and just process the cgi.

This is something I am looking for too.  I remember reading somewhere
to use html frames and put a
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="3;URL=yourpage.html"> 

or something like that there to update only the frame.  I have not
gotten this to work yet so if somebody can show an example I would be
very pleased too.

Merry Christmas!

A little kid went up to Santa and asked him, "Santa, you know when I'm
bad right?"  And Santa says, "Yes, I do."  The little kid then asks,
"And you know when I'm sleeping?" To which Santa replies, "Every
minute." So the little kid then says, "Well, if you know when I'm bad
and when I'm good, then how come you don't know what I want for

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