python source -> html

Anand B Pillai abpillai at
Mon Dec 16 06:07:12 EST 2002

If you are an emacs user like me, you would need only two files to
accomplish this. python-mode.el and htmlize-buffer.el 

python-mode.el is a python mode plugin for emacs.
htmlize-buffer dumps the current emacs buffer to an html file
maintaining the font face/size/style etc and also the colors.
You can even write an elisp function like below to automate the task.

(def save-as-html()
(require 'htmlize-buffer)
(write-file (concat (buffer-file-name) ".html")))

Both are avaialable from Stephen's ell (Emacs lisp list)

Best Regards

Anand Pillai

Brian Quinlan <brian at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1039985902.14114.python-list at>...
> I've developed a very over-engineered source => styled-html generator:
> It uses the Scintilla styling engine so it can process source files in a
> variety of languages. It can also style portions of your source using a
> different language style, which is why I developed it in the first place
> e.g.
> print 'Content-type: text/html'
> print
> print '''<html><head><title>foo</title></head>...'''
> The contents of the second string could (optionally) be styled using the
> HTML styler.
> It also creates hyperlinks whenever it finds URLs, PEPs or RFCs in your
> source. Here is an example:
> .py
> Cheers,
> Brian

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