
merman merman at freenet.de
Mon Apr 8 16:30:27 EDT 2002

"Lyle Johnson" <ljohnson2 at knology.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:ub3cbpdmtl65f2 at corp.supernews.com...
> Use the "-o" flag for SWIG to change the output file name:
>     swig -c++ -python -o Tree_wrap.cpp Tree.i
> Hope this helps,
> Lyle

Hi Lyle,

thanx for your effort - very polite!

It was a little bit better with your hint but there is maybe an additional
linker-problem (lots of failures) - I don't know why - puh.
I continue my work tomorrow - I fear I go crazy ;-).

best regards


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