install packages to home dir?

Greg Ward gward at
Thu Oct 18 18:13:04 EDT 2001

Ozone Hole near South Pole wrote:
>  However, when I go back to university, problem arises...  Being low in
>  the pecking order, our sysadmin does not respond well to our request
>  for package install.  As we do not have write access to
>  python2.0/site-packages, I can only copy all the files in the external
>  packages into my own work directory...
>  It is sort of working.  But, it is very confusing. I wonder if there
>  is any option that can allow us to intall the extra packages into say
>  ~/lib/python/my-packages or can we do sth like 'import
>  ~/supportpy/usefulstuff' ?

Every time you install a new package:

  python install --home=~

See the manual "Installing Python Modules" for details.  I'm pretty sure
I documented that stuff...

Greg Ward                               gward at
If at first you don't succeed, give up--no use making a damn fool of yourself.

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