Tinkering With Tkinter

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed Nov 21 14:43:25 EST 2001

>>>>> "BO" == Ben Ocean <zope at thewebsons.com> writes:

    BO> Hi; I can't get tkinter installed. I'm running 2 different
    BO> versions of python and I need to install it with 2.1.


    BO> I've tried the -nodeps flag but that gives me a
    BO> non-operational tkinter!

Why dont you simply install Tcl 8.3 and Tk 8.3?  On my Debian machine
I have both Tcl/Tk 8.0.x and 8.3.x.  python 1.5.2 was installed from
debs and python 2.1 from source.  1.5.2 used to use tcl/tk 8.0.x (a
newer version uses 8.3.x) and Python 2.1 with 8.3.x.  It all works
perfectly well.

    BO> How do I specify which python to build with when I install
    BO> this rpm?  TIA, BenO

You cant specify that when you install a binary RPM - you could build
the SRPM and re-build it.


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