Australian Disco (was: And Now for Something Completely Different! (was: Monty Python (was: Freeware Python editor)))

Gary Stephenson garys at
Wed Nov 7 17:34:33 EST 2001

It should to totally apparent to all and sundry that Steve Irwin comes from
an entirely different planet!   Classifying him as Australian would be
equally as fallacious as classifying him human.

Rolf, otoh, is a national treasure.  I mean anybody who could give us such
classic masterpieces as "Jake the Fake" (with my extra leg, deedle-ee
deedle-um) and  "Tie me Kangaroo down, sport", not to mention a squillion
others of similar calibre, deserves to be permanently lodged in the pantheon
of stars.   Surely any country on Earch would be proud to count Rolf as one
of their own, ..  surely..  for sure...  without a doubt...


"Duncan Smith" <buzzard at> wrote in message
news:9sbvsa$925$1 at
> "Fredrik Lundh" <fredrik at> wrote in message
> news:8_dG7.4760$R43.760797 at
> > Gary Stephenson wrote:
> > > Umm, I'm not really sure this is a claim we should be making!  Next
> thing
> > > you'll have us claiming responsibility for making disco popular - and
> then
> > > they'll just have to shoot us!  ;-)
> >
> > but Steve Irwin is your fault, right?
> And Rolf Harris.
> >
> > </F>
> >
> >

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