Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)

Timothy Grant tjg at
Thu Mar 22 16:16:48 EST 2001

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 12:10:59PM -0800, John Schmitt wrote:
> Why do people want syntax colouring?  I can't stand it.  One of my minor
> beefs with CodeWright is that there isn't a one button way to tell it to
> change _all_ of my colours all at once.  Am I missing something by disabling
> syntax colouring?  It always reminds me of the artwork my 6-year-old nephew
> brings home from school to show his mommy.

Hey, I'm colour blind, and I still need syntax highlighting
though I can't see all of the colour differenctials.

It's pretty simple. Forget to close a ("|')--or open one for
that matter, and you automatically know somethings wrong
because the colours are wrong, misspell(sp?) a keyword and you
know it because it doesn't hi-light in the correct colour. 

It is a huge benefit to getting syntax correct before you save
your file.

Now if only else didn't highlight but else: did<wink>

Stand Fast,

Timothy Grant                         tjg at
Red Hat Certified Engineer  
Avalon Technology Group, Inc.         <><       (503) 246-3630
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