docs for mysqldb

Leonardo B Lopes leo at
Fri Mar 2 15:14:24 EST 2001

Yes, my dist. also came with docs, but cursor.execute() and
cursor.executemany() are not documented there. The user is referred to
the Python DBI 2.0 docs, which say that the convention for passing
parameters is open to the implementer. Searching the web for examples
show some orcale example where parameters are referred to as ":1", ":2". 

The examples in the dist have a regular pythonlike "%s" placeholder, but
the docs talk about defining types of parameters beforehand to speed
things up, and I can't see how that applies if we're just doing the
equivalent of a sprintf operation.


Ian Parker wrote:
> In article <3A9D63BC.C3EB9246 at>, Leonardo B Lopes
> <leo at> writes
> >Sorry for the crossposting, but this actually interests both lists...
> >
> >Does anyone use the python module mysqldb? Does anyone have any decent
> >docs for it? In particular, how do you do cursor.execute() with
> >different parameters?
> The MySQLdb-0.2.2.tar.gz kit that I downloaded includes both
> documentation and examples.  IIRC correctly, I got it from
> Checking again, it looks like there are later version available.
> Regards
> Ian
> --
> Ian Parker

Leonardo B. Lopes                                      leo at 
Ph.D. Student                                             (847)491-8470
IEMS - Northwestern University   

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