sql2xml available

Scott Hathaway slhath at home.com
Mon Mar 12 21:26:54 EST 2001

Hello Everyone,

I have created a simple utility called sql2xml that takes an SQL call and
returns the resultset as xml.  In the support file (db.py), there are
functions to pull out the field names from the SQL, or you can pass your own
if you want to use friendlier names than those in your database.  This
utility is in the public domain.  I hope you find it useful.  (To use the
db.py file, you must have mxODBC, but changing to another database module
should be very easy since the function just needs the resultset in the
standard python db api format).  The utility is just a work in progress and
your comments/suggestions are needed and welcome.


Also, Dr. David Mertz has a complimentary utility called sql2dtd which takes
an SQL call and provides an XML DTD from it.  The two tools will work
together in the near future (they are very close to doing so right now).
You can get David's tool at:


Scott Hathaway

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