Python COM: Unable to create server-side object.

André arisen at
Thu Jun 21 14:35:51 EDT 2001

Hi. Something strange is happening to in my Python / COM
recently (ActiveState Python 2.0 on Win2K). I have created 
this small class in the file

  class Short:
      _reg_clsid_ = "{74471ADF-9453-4135-87E6-22E1B9499B0D}"
      _reg_progid_ = "Python.Short"
      _reg_desc_ = "PythonCOM test"
      _public_methods = ["isShort"]
      def __init__(self):
          self.short = "yes"

      def isShort(self):
          return self.short

  if __name__=="__main__":
      import win32com.server.register

And registered it succcessfully. ($ python

When i try
>>> import win32com.client 
>>> s = win32com.client.Dispatch("Python.Short")

I get the following error:
 (-2147221231, 'ClassFactory cannot supply requested class', None, None)

If i try it again i get another:
 (-2147467259, 'Unspecified error', None, None)

I have tried with diffeetn class names, prog ids and clsids.

This used to work fine, and i have written several com servers
in python before which still work. Any ideas?

André Risnes

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