normalize and END_DOCUMENT in pulldom...

Magnus Lie Hetland mlh at
Fri Aug 10 17:56:57 EDT 2001

[Sorry if this is duplicated... It seemed to disappear...]

1. Is there any way to make Node.normalize() work in pulldom?
   Perhaps a DOMEventStream.normalize() would be just as useful?

(I see that Paul Prescod in example [1] assumes that the stream
is normalized... Or at least that some character nodes are normalized;
is there any guarantee that the contents of some tags will be returned
as one character node, e.g. if everything is on one line? He does
things like print "<title>%s</print>" %, where node corresponds
to a CHARACTERS event... I may be missing something here...)

2. Why isn't an END_DOCUMENT event returned when the document ends?
   I get a START_DOCUMENT, but not an END_DOCUMENT...

I guess I don't really need it, since the event stream will end
anyway, but it seems odd.



  Magnus Lie Hetland

 "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in
  it, doesn't go away."           -- Philip K. Dick

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