[1, 2] in [1, 2, 3] returns 0?

Sandy Norton sandskyfly at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 26 09:10:37 EDT 2001

Peter Hansen <peter at engcorp.com> wrote in message news:<3B87FDE8.4CE63729 at engcorp.com>...
> >>> lst = [ 1, [1, 2], 2, 3]
> >>> sublst = [1,2]
> >>> sublst in lst
> 1
> Given the choice between the two, this one should be considered
> less surprising.  Well, with 20-20 hindsight, anyway. :-)

Appreciate all the responses. I did feel incredibly stupid yesterday
until Eric S. Raymond asked something similar on Python-Dev recently
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2001-August/017299.html .

I guess I'm feeling better today...


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