Python Books for 2002

Aahz Maruch aahz at
Thu Apr 5 11:29:09 EDT 2001

In article <03BA7FF29A7003C0.58A7996FD1867709.07757E6DB814C605 at>,
Cameron Laird <claird at> wrote:
>Here's a hazard of concision: it abbreviates sometimes to confusion.
>I think a "40 page 'python in depth' treatise" would be *snapped up*
>at retail, even at $10 or 20 US.  The market to which Fredrik is
>apparently referring is that of either the publishers or distributors,
>who find this sort of innovation anathema.

Ever since I saw _Borland C++ for Dummies_, I have concluded that
*nothing* is truly anathema to computer book publishers.
                      --- Aahz  <*>  (Copyright 2001 by aahz at

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