Debugging ActiveX Control Events in wxPython/PythonWin

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Sun Sep 3 21:05:16 EDT 2000

> I'm not certain who is supporting win32com now that Mark is working
> the .NET thing.  Is ActiveState doing support?  If there is someone
> wonder if they are aware of this problem.

I was only made aware of it a couple of weeks ago by Alex, as he says
later in this thread.  I just havent got around to fixing it.  As also
said at the end of the thread, win32all will still be released as per

Sadly, almost all other external win32com support has dried up.  Greg
and Bill no longer take an active role, and no one else has stepped
up.  So this leaves just me, along with all the other things that are
"just me" at the moment :-(

ActiveState have just got me working on some cool, fun stuff, that is
all :-)  I will try and get this event problem sorted out before 2.0
goes final.


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