huge table question

Bill Tolbert bill_tolbert at
Wed Sep 6 17:34:49 EDT 2000

I've got a table in MS Access with 3.5 million records. First, I know we
should be using something else, but it isn't my call. I need to extract
newline characters from one of the fields and write it to a tab
delimited text file.

My problem is getting to the data. I thought I'd fetch a cursor and
whack away at it. However, just getting the cursor is taking an
extremely long time. Access will write the data to a 237meg text file in
about 8 minutes. So far, on the same machine, Python has been at this
for about 2 hours.

Any better ideas? Ways of speeding it up? Is it the jet engine or the
odbc drivers or just too much data...?



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