Reading a binary file in as hex

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Tue Oct 17 18:12:59 EDT 2000

"Grant Edwards" <grante at> wrote in message
news:1h3H5.1688$FU3.403358 at
> If you want to read the bytes in a file and convert each to a
> hex string, you can do something like this:
> import string
> d = open("","rb").read()
> l = map(lambda x: '%02x' % ord(x), d)
> s = string.join(l)
> print s
> Or mashed into a one-liner:
> string.join(map(lambda x: '%02x' % ord(x), open("","rb").read()))
> If you've got Python 2.0 you can use a list comprehension
> rather than the Schemesque map/lambda

In other words...:

s = ''.join(['%02x'%c for c in open('','rb').read()])

(and if map/lambda is Schemesque, surely list comprehensions
are Hasquellish...?-).


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