Where is wxPython?

Olivier Dagenais olivierS.dagenaisP at canadaA.comM
Wed Oct 25 20:03:05 EDT 2000

> > Basically, Python itself loads DLLs (PYDs) from explicit directories
> > in sys.path. If these DLLs load other DLLs, I believe that the search
> > path includes the directory in which the loading DLL is located,
> > rather than the directory in which the original EXE is located. The
> > Windows documentation seems to imply otherwise - all I can say is that
> > it seems to work.
> I'm sure I tried that before and it didn't work...  But it *is* working
> for me now with both 1.5.2 and 2.0.  Perhaps it is a win2k thing, which
> version of windows are you running?

Newer versions of Windows support "component isolation" or whatever it is
called.  To avoid "DLL Hell", applications can install all their components
in the application directory and Windows will try there first.  (you might
need a .local file, too)  I think this only works for COM libraries under
Win98SE on Tuesdays when the month starts in "M" and ends in "arch".  (ie:
I don't think you can count on it for everybody)

Olivier A. Dagenais - Software Architect and Developer
"Someone called 'Type your name here' is impersonating me on the
internet and is posting exactly the same things I am posting!"

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