win32com: Trouble using Excel's "SaveAs" method for Workbooks and Worksheet objects

Roger Upole rupole at
Mon Oct 2 22:47:35 EDT 2000

I don't have Excel handy, but it looks like it's expecting the numeric
xlCSVWindows rather than the string 'xlCSVWindows'.

    Roger Upole

"S. Murthy Kambhampaty" <smk_dc at> wrote in message
news:39d90e35 at
> I am trying to program Python to make Excel write comma separated variable
> (CSV) files.  I'm having trouble using Excel's "SaveAs" method for
> and Worksheet objects from Python with the win32comm extensions.
> if anybody's had any success using the SaveAs method for Worksheets and
> Workbooks provided by COM.
> I have:
> 1. Followed directions for building from excel8.olb
> 2. Created a Workbook object with a single sheet in it called xlBook2
> (creation script shown below)
> 3. Issuing xlBook2.SaveAs(Filename=r'd:\temp\test01.csv',
> FileFormat='xlCSVWindows') produces the
> following error message:
> "Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
>   File
> line 17017, in SaveAs
> com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (1004, 'Microsoft Excel',
> 'SaveAs method of Workbook class failed', 'XLMAIN8.HLP', 0, 0), None)"
> Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks, smk
> Python script for creating xlBook2 follows:
> # Begin python script
> import excel8, os
> os.chdir(r'C:\Temp')
> xlApp = excel8.Application()
> xlApp.Workbooks.Open(r'C:\Temp\Test1002.XLS')
> # xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks(1)
> # xlSheet = xlApp.Workbooks(1).Worksheets('Page (6)')
> xlApp.Workbooks('Test1002.XLS').Worksheets('Page (6)').Activate()
> xlSheet.Copy()
> xlBook2 = xlApp.Workbooks(2)
> # end Python script

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