Programmer-Wanna-Be (Is Python for me?)

fifeclub at fifeclub at
Thu Oct 12 09:44:04 EDT 2000

> Distributing a Python application can be complicated. If you say:
> "This is a great program, but to use it, you must first install
> Python, PIL and Tk and set up the following environment
> variables..." you have already lost 95 % of your potential users.
> There are methods of packing everything you need to run the
> program into a single executable, for example "Gordon's installer"
> but... if you are a beginning programmer it will take some time
> to learn how to use them. (Someone really needs to write an
> installer that is easier to use.)
> // Niklas

Whoa.  This is something I haven't come across before!  I realize it will
take me a lot of time and effort to learn Python, but in the end I
envisioned the fruits of my labor to be self-sufficient applications that
would be executable on Windows (or other OS's).  Is this a major issue or
is it just a matter of 're-packaging' the final program thru a
'finishing' application.

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