bad python modules

sp00fD sp00fD at
Mon Nov 13 14:55:53 EST 2000

As a language, I like python more than perl.  However, the modules that
are available seem lacking in comparison to perl's.  Why is this?  Is
it just because python is not as popular as perl?  I can't think that
that has much to do with it, because my gripe here is not the lack of
modules, but the quality of the available modules.  A lot of what I'm
talking about is somewhat silly, for instance:

In perl, the CGI module to be specific, you have cookie capability
built in.  Why not with the python cgi module?  Why must I get a
seperate (non-standard, not as good) module to handle cookies?  Why
must I do a:

print "Content-type: text/html"

rather than

print cgi.header() # or something?

The database modules also seem lacking.  Sending mail using the smtp
module leaves an empty subject line and occassional missing characters
or extra spaces, whereas in perl, the available mailers work
perfectly.  Is there a reason for this, or an effort to change it?
With ActiveState in the picture, can we expect more robust replacements

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