
Andrew Cooke andrew at
Mon May 15 07:22:32 EDT 2000

Insert an extra two backslashes before the three you already have.  The
string within [] is \'" and it's being parsed as an escaped single quote
and a double quote.

Also, check out the r'' syntax.


In article <391f606a.176428420 at>,
  chibaA at TinterlogD.Tcom wrote:
> Hi,
> For some reason, this segment of code doesn't do what it's supposed to
> do...  (it's supposed to take any \ " 's from inputString, and return
> the same chacter preceeded with a \ to outputString).  It works great
> for the ' and " characters, but it just won't do the \.  Any idea why?
> def norm2mysqlinsert(inputString): # Used for insert and update in
>         outputString = ''
>         p=re.compile('^[\\\'\"]$')
>         count = 0
>         for i in inputString:
>                 if p.match(inputString[count]):
>                         outputString = outputString + "\\" +
> inputString[count]
>                 else:
>                         outputString = outputString +
> inputString[count]
>                 count = count + 1
>         return outputString

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